
The Field Guide to Floral Dragons

Created by Hit Point Press

Welcome to the mysterious world of floral dragons, unusual and elusive creatures inspired by real-world plants & flowers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

June Update: Products in Proofing Stage + Floral Dragon STLs + Subclasses!
30 days ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 10:38:11 AM

Hey backers!

Hope you've had a good start to your summer! It's nearly the end of June and we have a bunch of updates for you on our progress--from STLs, to Stretch Goals!


We sent most of the files needed for manufacturing to our various partners in late May, so this month has been mainly spent reviewing proofs, tweaking designs, and ordering samples. Getting samples in the mail is always fun, so we'll be sharing some of those as they come in!

We've also established deadlines, order quantities, and deposit payments with (nearly) all of our partners! 

This project involves coordination and collaboration with a bunch of manufacturers and creators, so it's inevitable that complications and delays will pop up, but right now, we're on schedule with our current estimations! 

If you want a little peek behind the scenes at what it's like to review a manufacturing proof, take a look at a recent file for the regular Floral Dragons book (note that this is a work in progress, and may not reflect the final product!):

Floral Dragon STLs

We've been getting messages and comments from backers telling us how much fun they've been having printing and painting the first set of Floral Dragon STLs, and it's brought the team so much joy to see the wonderfully painted minis show up on social media!

Here's a beautiful Peony Dragon:

Credit: Anica Seelie (@AnicaSeelie) 

We're happy to announce that the remaining two sets of STLs (the Dragon Gardeners' and Dragon Botanists' Sets) will likely be ready to send to backers for digital download the week of July 1st! 

Here's a preview of some of the STLs from the new sets:


 Thanks for being patient while we finish these STL files up and get them ready for you to print!

Stretch Goals

With the main book in the proofing stage, the HPP writing team has been hard at work on Stretch Goal content!

Floral Dragon Village PDF

The Floral Dragon Village PDF has finished the writing stage! We've put a lot of thought into how village life intertwines with the floral dragons, as well as the stories that can unfold in this peaceful little town. 

Kin Wald is returning to provide illustrations for the Village, so that will be the next step!

Floral Dragon Subclasses

Now that most backers have responded to their Surveys, we're going to begin brainstorming the Floral Dragon-themed Subclasses this week! To that end, we'd like to announce which classes received the most votes to receive a subclass… 

Drumroll, please! 

The top-voted subclasses are for:

1. Druid!

2. Ranger!

3. Warlock! 

We saw a lot of comments hoping for Druid and Ranger subclasses, but Warlock was unexpected! We'll keep you posted as we develop these subclasses more.

Dawn of the Spores Adventure

Finally, we've started outlining the Dawn of the Spores adventure, which will introduce players to the threat of the insidious Pleurossa Fungus…

Those are all the updates for now! We'll see you again next month!

Need more help?

E-mail us at [email protected]

The Hit Point Press Team

Surveys Are Live! + New Add-On Apple Tree Puzzle! + Note About Late Pledges
2 months ago – Mon, May 27, 2024 at 12:33:26 PM

Hey backers!

Thank you so much for your patience over the past couple days as we get BackerKit set up for the campaign! 

We're pleased to announce that BackerKit Surveys have been sent out to everyone who backed during the campaign (April 2nd-May 2nd)! If it doesn't show up in your email inbox right away, give it a few hours before contacting support.

We ask that you complete your survey as soon as possible so we can make our orders with our production partners. We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before mass production starts!

New Puzzle Add-On!

We noticed that many of you LOVED the puzzle offered in the campaign, and that a lot of folks were asking whether there would be any more puzzles offered. We have good news--we're offering a NEW puzzle as an Add-On in BackerKit! 

It's called "The Majestic Apple Tree Dragon", and it's 1000 pieces of flowery goodness! If you enjoy puzzling, add this to your pledge! For those who already filled out your surveys you can still go back in and add one of these beauties to your pledge!

A Note about the Kickstarter Late Pledge Beta 

We were one of the lucky projects that gained access to Kickstarter's Late Pledge feature, which is still in beta! However, because this is a new feature, BackerKit has let us know that they need a little extra time to add late backers to their system.

We're staying in close contact with BackerKit to resolve this issue and get late backers their surveys, so if you made a late pledge, hold tight! We'll keep you updated on when those surveys will go out.

Digital Rewards

If you've received your BackerKit Survey, you can download the Digital Rewards granted by your Pledge Tier! 

You can follow this link to see your downloads:

The following Digital products will be available to download initially:

  • Floral Dragons Book PDF
  • Print & Play Standees
  • PNP/Digital Reference Cards
  • VTT Maps & Tokens
  • STLs for the Dragon Florist’s Miniatures Set

We'll be releasing additional digital rewards to backers as they become available! 

For those waiting for the STLs for the Dragon Botanists and Dragon Gardener’s Sets, those will likely be made available in the next few weeks!

Need Help Filling Out Your Survey?

You can follow this link to our previous Update post, which walks you through filling out your Survey!

Need more help?

E-mail us at [email protected]

The Hit Point Press Team

Smoke Test and BackerKit Guide!
2 months ago – Thu, May 23, 2024 at 09:01:50 AM

Hey backers!

We’re happy to announce that the smoke tests for BackerKit have been sent out, which is one of the last major steps to bringing the BackerKit online!

Only 5% of backers will receive a 'smoke test' email with their survey, so if you don’t receive one during this process, your survey will go out with the rest of the backers once we’ve confirmed everything is working as expected!

When the surveys go out, we ask that you complete your survey as soon as possible so we can make our orders with our production partners. We’re looking to get 80% of the surveys filled before mass production starts.

We’ve included a guide to help you complete your surveys below, after a quick update on some digital rewards! 

Digital Rewards

Once all BackerKit surveys have been sent out, you'll be able to access any Digital Rewards that are currently available for your Reward Tier in your Digital Downloads within Backerkit! 

The following Digital products will be available to download initially:

  • Floral Dragons Book PDF
  • Print & Play Standees
  • PNP/Digital Reference Cards
  • VTT Maps & Tokens
  • STLs for the Dragon Florist’s Miniatures Set

We'll be releasing additional digital rewards to backers as they become available! 

For those waiting for the STLs for the Dragon Botanists and Dragon Gardener’s Sets, those will likely be made available in the next few weeks!

BackerKit Survey Guide

1) Select your country for shipping and click "Get Started". If you would like to upgrade to a higher pledge tier, locate the link under the "Get Started" button and click that instead. Please note that if you switch pledge levels, add-ons selected on Kickstarter will not be automatically applied to BackerKit.

2) Please read the question prompts and proceed into the BackerKit "store" (Add-Ons section).

3) Once in the store, you’ll see a list of the items included in your Kickstarter pledge on the right side of the page. On the left, you’ll see the options for add-ons!

4) Once you've selected all the items you want, click "Next".

5) Enter your shipping address and click "Next".

6) Confirm the provided information is correct, provide a payment method, and click "Confirm".

Please note: Due to limitations using PayPal, it is not currently enabled as a payment option for this project. We are looking at making it available closer to when we’re charging cards for outstanding balances due to add-ons and shipping costs. Backers who intend to use PayPal as their payment method should be able to complete their surveys then. 

7) You will see this below once you have completed the survey!

Surveys and addresses will be locked closer to fulfillment so you’ll be able to make changes even after submitting your survey until we let you know otherwise! Payment for outstanding balances and shipping will be collected at a later date.

Commonly Asked Questions on BackerKit Surveys

Can I upgrade my pledge through the survey?

Yes! When you get your survey, hit the button below "Get Started". This will enable you to up your pledge tier in case you've decided you want a different deal!

My payment didn’t go through and I was dropped from the Kickstarter. What do I do?

Don’t panic! You should still receive the BackerKit survey and you’ll be able to pay for your pledge there.

I missed the campaign. When will preorders be open? 

Preorders are now live! If you had a friend who missed out, share this link with them:

Orders placed here are considered BackerKit preorders, not Kickstarter pledges, and will ship after we fulfill backer rewards.

Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]

The Hit Point Press Team

BackerKit Update - Waiting on approval to send smoke tests!
2 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 07:02:20 AM

Hey backers!

We know you're all eagerly awaiting the BackerKit going live (along with digital downloads for the book PDF and other rewards), so we wanted give you an update!

We're currently waiting on BackerKit to give us the green light to send a 'smoke test', which will involve sending out survey emails to a limited number of backers. BackerKit has been slow to respond, but we're hoping to get the smoke test finished this week.

If that smoke test goes well, then the BackerKit Pledge Manager will go live and we'll send surveys out to all backers!

We'll be posting an update when the Smoke Test is underway (along with a guide to using BackerKit), and another update when the BackerKit Pledge Manager/Surveys are ready.

Thanks for being patient!

Need help?

E-mail us at [email protected]

The Hit Point Press Team

The Floral Dragons Campaign Has Ended!
3 months ago – Fri, May 03, 2024 at 07:06:48 AM

This campaign exceeded every expectation we had. Seeing all of your excited comments, suggestions & kind words brought us so much joy and excitement as we watched the campaign bloom and flower!

We raised over $1,110,000 - unlocking every single stretch goal including the coveted Floral Dragonborn Stretch Goal - a goal that wasn't even conceived when this campaign was born! 

We can't thank you all enough for your support of this project, and we can't wait to get the Field Guide & its bouquet of accessories into your hands.

A message from the book's artist, Kin Wald:

"Words can't do justice to how surreal and amazing this month has been. To everyone who has supported the Floral Dragons: I am beyond grateful. It's easy to feel discouraged and undervalued as an artist in recent times, so the excitement around this project I poured my heart into has truly been transformative. 

My goal has always been to make people happy with my art, and it feels like my dreams are coming true. I hope that you will all continue to share your ideas and the campaigns you want to run, and that the dragons will bring as much joy to your tables as you have given me."


Missed the Campaign? Late Pledges Are Available!

If you didn't get the chance to pledge during the campaign, we have good news! You can still support the campaign through late pledges available right here on Kickstarter. 

We are participating in Kickstarter’s Late Pledge Beta - if you were thinking about pledging to the project but missed our crowdfunding deadline, it’s not too late! You can still support and pledge to available rewards. Kickstarter has some helpful resources here! 

In order to late pledge, you can use the Kickstarter website or your iOS and Android apps. Just make sure you’re using the latest app versions to pledge! 

Please note that limited tiers and exclusive campaign rewards are not available as late pledges.

What’s Next?

Late pledges run for 2-3 weeks while Kickstarter processes pledges

Kickstarter is going to begin to process payments for this campaign and the process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks. During this time, we'll continue to accept late pledges to the campaign as mentioned above! 

When the initial pledge processing is complete... 

We’ll send out BackerKit surveys!

Surveys will then be sent out to collect your shipping details, along with your pledge selection and add-ons. You'll be able to upgrade your pledge or add additional add-ons with the survey as well! As we get closer to releasing surveys, we will have information on how to fill out your survey, as well as specifics for choosing your add-ons. 

We ask that you hold your BackerKit questions until then! Surveys will be open until we start fulfilling, but to guarantee your order we suggest filling out the survey as soon as possible.

Have questions? Reach out!

Leave a comment or e-mail us at [email protected]!

Thanks again for your fantastic support - now the work begins to get the Field Guide to Floral Dragons into your hands!

-- Hit Point Press